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Writing Samples

Evergreen News Story


Is getting removed from an airplane for having a nut allergy necessary?  Tension between passengers with food allergies and airline staff members has risen because airlines are enforcing stricter rules on pre-boarding the airplane.  Before takeoff, many passengers try to board early to wipe down seats, trays, and armrests to reduce exposure to allergens.  But recently, a family with two teenage sons was ordered off a plane because the teenage boys had a severe nut allergy.  The family defended themselves by saying, “We have our medicine. We brought our own food, and we’re comfortable staying on the plane,” but they were still removed from the airplane.  Families now fear that if they request to pre-board, or ask whether nuts will be served, they risk being taken off the flight.  Families with nut allergies are now waging a legal challenge against these policies.  Unfortunately, federal laws do not allow a passenger to sue for claims related to the his/or her allergy. There’s a good chance an allergic passenger will lose a lawsuit, but a complaint may also be on the hook for the airline’s court costs.

Editorial Script


You know all those reports you hear about exercising?  Well they’re true.  We have to exercise regularly if we want to be healthy.  Exercise requires effort, but that doesn’t mean it’s hard to do.  Without exercise, we have an increased risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, and Type 2 Diabetes.  We also become overweight, which makes it harder for us to get up and exercise.  Exercising increases energy, strengthens our bones and muscles, and extends our chance of living longer.  Although exercising can sometimes get tedious, we should do it for our own good, so let’s all start exercising today.

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